Oh..and this past weekend was yet another milestone for us! Tanner had his first sleepover with a friend, and I spent my first night in 7.5 months away from him! We stayed with Tanner Friday night at his friend Elle's (our friends Courtney and Josh's daughter) house, and then Saturday night he stayed with Granny, Aunt Deanna, Uncle Andy, Morgan and Mary Taylor. Eventhough it was hard being away from him for 24 hrs., I very much enjoyed spending time with friends and engaging in adult conversation!!!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
It's All Happening So Fast!!
So first it was teeth, then pulling up, now crawling....all within a month!! So Justin and I declared yesterday as the first day that Tanner crawled! I caught him on video this morning going for the phone.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Time to Lower the Crib!!
Since Tanner has now learned to go from laying down to sitting up, he's become even more curious/daring. Today I caught him on video pulling up in his crib. Guess we'll be lowering the mattress tonight in his crib!!!
Monday, June 15, 2009
My First Chomper!
So Tanner finally got his first tooth!!! The first sign of the tooth (bottom left) was on May 30, so ever since then it has been pushing it's way out. And let me tell you...that thing is sharp!! The only way that I was able to get a pic of the tooth was while he was sleeping. And just today I saw his second tooth (bottom right)! You really can't even feel it yet, but I would definitely think in the next day or so it should be pushed well enough through the gums.

Back on May 11, Tanner had his 6 month check up where we met his new doctor. He then weighed 14 lbs. 3 oz, had a head circumfrence of 16.5" and was 25 1/4" tall.
At six months we decided to start him on more solids than just cereal. So to date, he's tried: avocados (his fav), apples, pears, sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, bananas, green beens, peaches and rice cakes. He normally eats three solid meals a day, however he craves food all the time! If we happen to be eating and he's not, he'll start smacking his lips like he wants some! It's just too cute!!! We're trying to skip the whole sippy cup phase if possible. He does drink out of his sippy cup some but will take water from a regular drinking cup just as well.
Tanner has also discovered that he has hands and can move them! It's just the sweetest thing to watch him. He flips his over numerous times just amazed that he can do that! I would have thought the fascination with his hands would have come long ago since he's been grabbing and playing with things for months now..oh well I'm not going to try now to figure out a baby!!
Just recently, he started pulling up on us, pillows, etc. In addition, he can pull his knees underneath him and then either fall forward or go back to sitting position. Today he actually moved one knee forward...so he's really getting close to crawling! We're trying to savor these last few weeks of him being somewhat stationary.
Tanner is such happy baby!! I've included a video clip of when we were at Justin's parent's house for Mother's Day. Justin's mom was getting lots of giggles out of him!!

Back on May 11, Tanner had his 6 month check up where we met his new doctor. He then weighed 14 lbs. 3 oz, had a head circumfrence of 16.5" and was 25 1/4" tall.
At six months we decided to start him on more solids than just cereal. So to date, he's tried: avocados (his fav), apples, pears, sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, bananas, green beens, peaches and rice cakes. He normally eats three solid meals a day, however he craves food all the time! If we happen to be eating and he's not, he'll start smacking his lips like he wants some! It's just too cute!!! We're trying to skip the whole sippy cup phase if possible. He does drink out of his sippy cup some but will take water from a regular drinking cup just as well.
Tanner has also discovered that he has hands and can move them! It's just the sweetest thing to watch him. He flips his over numerous times just amazed that he can do that! I would have thought the fascination with his hands would have come long ago since he's been grabbing and playing with things for months now..oh well I'm not going to try now to figure out a baby!!
Just recently, he started pulling up on us, pillows, etc. In addition, he can pull his knees underneath him and then either fall forward or go back to sitting position. Today he actually moved one knee forward...so he's really getting close to crawling! We're trying to savor these last few weeks of him being somewhat stationary.
Tanner is such happy baby!! I've included a video clip of when we were at Justin's parent's house for Mother's Day. Justin's mom was getting lots of giggles out of him!!
He also thinks that everything you have is his also..sunglasses, phone, computer, etc. Honesly he's just interested in anything!! We were getting ready for a garage sale last weekend, and we snapped a pic of him trying to get into the box of stuff that I was going through...too cute!
Below are just some of the recent pics taken since my last posting in May.
After my first swim in the pool!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Where do I begin???
Well a lot has transpired since I last posted in January. So, here's a quick summary of all that's taken place along with some pics.
Prior to me going back to work, we had decided that we wanted to uproot the fam and move back to Mississippi to be closer to of course our family and friends. So while out on maternity leave, we started the job search. Our search began in Starkville, MS which is where we attended college...good times!! Justin made a few calls to some of the manufacturing plants, and it just so happened that Aspen Bay Candles was going to be looking for an Operations Manager soon. So, Justin interviewed when we were in town for a leadership conference at the first of February.
Now to the not so fun part......My 12 weeks of maternity leave ended at the beginning of February which meant time to go back to work. The first day back at work was the hardest thing. I felt so sorry for the lady who was the first to ask how it was being back at work...don't know if she really expected the tears!! We still at this point did not have a spot in daycare for Tanner. My mother-in-law was sweet enough to stay with Tanner in Dallas while we waited on Justin's potential job offer in MS OR on Tanner's spot in daycare to open up which was looking like at the earliest the end of February. God was truly looking out after us because Justin was offered the job and Tanner never stepped foot in daycare!! It was really sad for us to leave Lockheed and Dallas considering the good friends that we had made, but we felt this move was best for our family. Right now I'm staying home with Tanner and enjoying every minute of it, and Justin loves the change of pace with his new job.
Now to Tanner who's been waiting to tell y'all what all he's been doing.
Since my mom last posted about me, I've grown a lot... for one I can type now!! In addition to typing, I can now suck on my toes, drool like crazy, grab anything and everything in site, jump up and down in my johnny jump up (thanks Grand), entertain myself with my exersaucer, and most recently sit up with mom or dad really close by to catch me when I fall over. I've also learned to do a fake cough that's really cute. It always gets the attention of my parents which is what I'm shooting for!! The stats from my 4 month check up were: weight - 12 lbs. 6 oz. (11 percentile), height - 23 7/8" (27 percentile), and head circumference - 16" (25 percentile). My six month check-up is next week, and I'm hoping to have gained couple of lbs with the help of oatmeal. My bedtime is quickly approaching,so I gotta run and step into my jammies...night, night!

Prior to me going back to work, we had decided that we wanted to uproot the fam and move back to Mississippi to be closer to of course our family and friends. So while out on maternity leave, we started the job search. Our search began in Starkville, MS which is where we attended college...good times!! Justin made a few calls to some of the manufacturing plants, and it just so happened that Aspen Bay Candles was going to be looking for an Operations Manager soon. So, Justin interviewed when we were in town for a leadership conference at the first of February.
Now to the not so fun part......My 12 weeks of maternity leave ended at the beginning of February which meant time to go back to work. The first day back at work was the hardest thing. I felt so sorry for the lady who was the first to ask how it was being back at work...don't know if she really expected the tears!! We still at this point did not have a spot in daycare for Tanner. My mother-in-law was sweet enough to stay with Tanner in Dallas while we waited on Justin's potential job offer in MS OR on Tanner's spot in daycare to open up which was looking like at the earliest the end of February. God was truly looking out after us because Justin was offered the job and Tanner never stepped foot in daycare!! It was really sad for us to leave Lockheed and Dallas considering the good friends that we had made, but we felt this move was best for our family. Right now I'm staying home with Tanner and enjoying every minute of it, and Justin loves the change of pace with his new job.
Now to Tanner who's been waiting to tell y'all what all he's been doing.
Since my mom last posted about me, I've grown a lot... for one I can type now!! In addition to typing, I can now suck on my toes, drool like crazy, grab anything and everything in site, jump up and down in my johnny jump up (thanks Grand), entertain myself with my exersaucer, and most recently sit up with mom or dad really close by to catch me when I fall over. I've also learned to do a fake cough that's really cute. It always gets the attention of my parents which is what I'm shooting for!! The stats from my 4 month check up were: weight - 12 lbs. 6 oz. (11 percentile), height - 23 7/8" (27 percentile), and head circumference - 16" (25 percentile). My six month check-up is next week, and I'm hoping to have gained couple of lbs with the help of oatmeal. My bedtime is quickly approaching,so I gotta run and step into my jammies...night, night!

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